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Mineral Observer

Mineralogical Almanac, volume 19, issue 1, 2014


20 years in Mineralogical Publishing!

4 (see a fragment, PDF)
Sergei V. Kolisnechenko, Valentina I. Popova, Vladimir A. Popov

Granite Pegmatites of the Borisovskiy Pluton, South Urals

14 (see a fragment, PDF)
Victor K. Garanin, Michael B. Leybov

Diamonds: a Sketch Portrait
(History of Discovery of the Russian Deposits and their Genesis)

30 (see a fragment, PDF)
Alexander A. Sidorov

The First Russian Celestine

Boris Z. Kantor

Remembering the Teacher…

55 (see a fragment, PDF)
Sergey V. Kolisnichenko

Meteorite Chelyabinsk: Continuation of the Story

58 (see a fragment, PDF)  
Rainer Bode

Photo Report on Exhibition “Tourmaline of the World”

Tomasz Praszkier

Sale of the Ross C. Lillie Fluorite Collection

Michael B. Leybov

The gold of Munich. Notes from exhibition

64 (see a fragment, PDF)  
Johan Kjellman

Gold: Voitsky Mine, Olonets, South Karelia, Russia

Renato Pagano

Italian Gold

74 (see a fragment, PDF)
Michael B. Leybov

«Gemma», Moscow – «Stone World», Saint-Petersburg

76 (see a fragment, PDF)  
Stuart Wilensky

Japan-law Quartz Twins of the World

84 (see a fragment, PDF)


  (see, PDF)