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Mineral Observer

Mineralogical Almanac, volume 28, issue 2, 2023


Vladimir S. Ponomarev and Yuriy V. Erokhin
Almandine from the Glubochinskoe deposit near Sysert, Central Urals

4 (see pdf)  

Nadezhda A. Krivolutskaya, Evgenia V. Sidorova, Leonid P. Kolbantsev
“There is nothing more practical than a good theory…”
to 120th anniversary of Mikhail N. Godlevskiy

16 (pdf_1)

Minerals from the Huanggang Fe-Sn deposit in Dmitry and Olga Davydovs's collection

48 (pdf_1)

Victoria V. Chernenko and Vladislav G. Dyatlov
Exhibition “Mineral. Two views“

60 (pdf_1)

Michael B. Leybov
Tucson-2023: A time of changes

64 (pdf_1)