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Mineral Observer

Mineralogical Almanac, volume 28, issue 1, 2023


Yuriy V. Erokhin, Vladimir S. Ponomarev, Ivan A. Baksheev,
Valeriy V. Grigor'ev, and Anatoliy V. Zakharov
Indicolite pit: a remarkable new dravite occurrence,
near Ekaterinburg, Central Urals

4 (see pdf)  

Oleg P. Shilovskiy, Oleg N. Lopatin, Mikhail V. Tsyganko
The Tatarstan Natural History Museum
and its mineralogical collection

14 (see pdf)  

Travels for the Minerals
Mikhail V. Tsyganko, Georgiy A. Petrov,
Vladimir A. Popov, and Anatoliy V. Kasatkin
For staurolite to Khoza-Tump ridge, Northern Urals

23 (see pdf)  

Person of the Mineral Community
Dona Leicht
Marie Evelyn Huizing

32 (see pdf)  

Mineral Shows, autumn-winter 2022
Michael B. Leybov
Munich Mineralientage, a world class event

The mineral paintings by Ksenia Levterova

Mineral photo gallery by Mark Mauthner

50 (see pdf)  
Internet Directory 56


Michael B. Leybov
Gemma, December 2022


58 (see pdf)
Sergey V. Kolisnichenko
Gumbeyka, a new meteorite


62 (see pdf)

New book for mineral collectors
Artem S. Borisov
“Rudabánya. Mining – Geology – Minerals”

64 (see pdf)  

Stone-carving masterpieces of the Hermitage
Natalia M. Mavrodina and Elena A. Olkhovaya
Altai colored stone of Kolyvan stonecutters in the Hermitage

68 (see pdf)  



  (see pdf)