Status: Sold Out

Sergei V. Kolisnichenko METEORITES OF RUSSIA

Materials for the encyclopedia "Sanarka", 2019 -304 p., Color. ill. 64 p.

The book "Meteorites of Russia" is an illustrated popular scientific edition containing encyclopedic data and materials on 177 events, finds and falls of meteorites collected on the territory of Russia from the middle of the 18th century to 2018 inclusive. Descriptions of meteorites are arranged in alphabetical order, which makes it easy to find information. The author has collected photographs and descriptions of a large part of the meteorites stored in state museums and private collections. The book is supplemented by author's materials and own finds of meteorites from several expeditions to Tuva (meteoite Chinge), the Volga region (Tsarev meteorite), to the Urals (meteorites Chelyabinsk, Kunashak, Yaratkulova). During the research, a new one for Russia and a third one for the Chelyabinsk region was discovered - the Yaratkulov meteorite
The book is interested to all readers - young scientists, researchers of extraterrestrial matter, museum workers, students, students and collectors.